Call Center Automation with  Confidence

Your trusted partner for enterprise-grade AI Voice Agents.

Learn More
Enterprise Customers
Calls Handled
Complete conversations

Natural conversations,
Structured outputs.

Lifelike flexibility for your customers.
Robotic precision for your systems.
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Controlled and predictable conversations
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Outputs structured data for automations
Save your sales team's time for customer who are qualified and ready to buy.
Turn Leads into Calls
Strike the iron while it's hot. Contacting customers the moment they've opted in on your site.
Never drop another call
Scaling quickly? Use AI to capture key customer details, schedule and complete call backs when your agents become available.
Omni-Channel Nurturing
Not all customers are available for a call. Our workflows combine personalized voicemail and SMS workflows to keep customers engaged without being intrusive.
See all variables in one place
More building less  shaving coherence orches trust your development toolchain from development to production.
Execute smoothly and quickly
What does serverless mean to different teams? How does Coherence help teams with and that serverless apps?
Always hit your deadlines
We started WhenThen with a simple question – what if a transaction could trigger anything and anything could trigger a transaction?

Teams with
Generative AI Since 2019

We've done this before;
Don't let your use case be an experiment.
Rock-Solid Infrastructure
Our systems successfully handle millions of calls daily.
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Complementary Professional Service
We operate on a usage-based rate, providing our professional services to assure mutual success
Data Security
Fully SOC2 compliant and audited by third parties.  
Deep Industrial Expertise
Custom-developed and maintained solutions that integrate deeply with your stack.

Add To Your Stack with Ease

Integrate seamlessly with existing CCaaS, LMS, and CRM systems with the support of our team. Free of charge.

Hear it from our customers

+25k users
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur and adipis  elit neque vivamus adipiscing of send feugiat turpen viverra faucibus about feature consequat augue of the is box from today an best in class development
John Carter
CEO at Consulting
+10 hours save
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur and adipis  elit neque vivamus adipiscing of send feugiat turpen viverra faucibus about feature consequat augue of the is box from today an best in class development
Lacey evans
CEO at Consulting
87% done in week
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur and adipis  elit neque vivamus adipiscing of send feugiat turpen viverra faucibus about feature consequat augue of the is box from today an best in class development
Jonson Brek
CEO at Consulting
87% done in week
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur and adipis  elit neque vivamus adipiscing of send feugiat turpen viverra faucibus about feature consequat augue of the is box from today an best in class development
Jonson Brek
CEO at Consulting

About AI Rudder

Founded in 2019, AI Rudder is a leading conversational AI platform and solution provider with expertise in lead generation, customer service, and technology. Backed by Sequoia, Tiger Global, and others, over 200 enterprises globally leverage our technology and practical expertise to contact 1M+ customers daily.
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